Helice Tournament

Event Details

  • Date:

Hélice Tournament
Saturday, August 26, 2023
Mid-Valley Clays & Shooting School, 6181 Concomly Road NE, Gervais, OR
Practice targets from 1:00-2:30 pm.  Purchase practice tickets inside the pro shop
Tournament starts at 2:30 pm, all competitors must arrive before 2:30 pm.  The tournament will be shot 5-targets at time and rotate competitors.
Entry Fee:
25-target Tournament  –  $105.00, Cash Only
Pot Breakdown:
$20.00 to Pot
$5.00 to Longest-Run, Front-to-Back
$5.00 to Longest-Run, Back-to-Front
Pot Split: HOA 50%; RU 30%; 3rd 20%
Longest-Run Pot to be paid to the person or persons who have the longest run of kills, first run front-to-back and second run back-to-front. Ties split.
See Vandy inside the clubhouse to process your pre-registration or to register.  Registration will be open at 1:30 pm and close at 2:30 pm.  No late entries will be accepted when registration closes.  RSVP to vandy@midvalleyclays.com