Helice Grand Prix

Event Details

Oregon Helice Shootouts & Grand Prix

Mid-Valley Clays and Shooting School, Gervais, Oregon

Saturday August 3, 2024


Two 15 Target Shootouts (AM/PM) on Saturday.

Limited to first 25 individuals who RSVP.   Shoot one or both events.

Prizes to top 3 combined 30 Bird Grand Prix scores.


Shoot format will be 15 targets from 26 meters, shot in 3 cranks with a 2-meter slide. “Slide” back 2 meters after any “perfect 5″ set.

(26 to 30 meters maximum slide per event)


Friday, August 2, 2024

Club Opens 10:00 am to 4:00 pm for Practice

(Practice Targets available at $3 each)

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Registration Open at 8:00 am, Practice Open at 8:30

Shooter Meeting at 9:45

15 Target Race Starts at 10:00am (3 cranks)

Lunch provided.

15 Target Race Starts at 1:00 pm (3 cranks)


Entry Fees Per 15 Target Race $50 (CASH ONLY – $5 back to Pea Draw*)

Non-Compulsory Purse Options (Per Race) – All Ties Divide

Championship and Long Runs Combined Purse $25  breakdown as follows: Championship** $15; Long Runs Front & Back*** $10 (CASH ONLY – $5 each)

Jumbo Purse ** $100 (CASH ONLY – must also play Combined Purse)

*The Pea Draw is a Consolation Event.  Any purse winners are eliminated from the draw, 2 of the remaining shooters are drawn for a shoot-off for the Pea Draw $$$.


**1-5 entries will pay one place (ties divide)

**6-10 entries will pay two places 60% – 40% (ties divide)

**11+ entries pay three places 50% – 30% – 20% (ties divide)

***one money (ties divide)

General Information

Management reserves the right to modify/revise program as deemed appropriate.
Purse payouts to be based on actual event scores (not high gun).  All ties divide (e.g. any first place ties divide the first place $$$, any second place ties divide the second place $$$, etc.)
USHA rules apply unless otherwise specified.
One ounce factory loads only.  Largest shot size allowed is 7 ½.
Shells available at the Clubhouse to purchase.
“Slide” is per event.  All Shooters start at 26 meters for PM event.
Payouts at conclusion of PM Race

Mid-Valley Clays and Shooting School

(503) 792-3431 –  6181 Concomly Rd NE, Gervais, OR 97026

RSVP to Vandy Fiedler – vandy@midvalleyclays.com