Easter Egg Tournament

Event Details

Mid-Valley Clays & Shooting School is proud to announce the Blaser Tournament Series.  Blaser was gracious enough to sponsor the eight event series which will culminate at the Fall Classic this coming September.

Please help us thank them by liking them on Facebook, or following them on Instagram and Twitter.  Better yet, stop in the pro-shop and give one of their shotguns a try!

For more information about Blaser firearms, visit their website.

Register Here

Sub Gauge, Super Sporting and Sporting Clays . . .

That’s what’s happening at Mid-Valley Clays & Shooting School!

Friday & Saturday, April 19th & 20th, 2019

NSCA Registered Tournament

Registered and non-registered competitors are welcome!

Sub Gauge & Super Sporting Event Details

Friday, April 19th
20 Gauge
9:00 am or 12:30 pm

28 Gauge
10:30 am or 2:00 pm

.410 Bore
9:00 am or 12:30 pm
Super Sporting
10:30 am or 2:00 pm
Each event is 50 targets

Entry fee for each event is $35 with $5 back to class

Lewis option and Class option available for $10 each – CASH ONLY

Registration opens at 7:30 am, shooting starts at 9:00 am

All events are squadded

Squads limited to four competitors

Minimum squad is three competitors

Warm up opens @ 8:00 am, 25 targets on 5-Stand ($8.50), Skeet or Trap ($6.00)

Sporting Clays & Super Sporting Event Details

Saturday, April 20th
Sporting Clays
100 targets

Entry fee is $55 with $5 back to class

Lewis option and Class option available for $10 each – CASH ONLY

Registration opens @ 8:30 am, squadded event

Shotgun start at 10:00 am

Squads limited to five competitors

Warm up opens @ 8:30 am, 25 targets on 5-Stand ($8.50), Skeet or Trap ($6.00)

Super Sporting
50 targets

Entry fee is $35 with $5 back to class

Lewis option and Class option available for $10 each – CASH ONLY

Shotgun start at 1:30 pm

Squads limited to five competitors

S&S Outpost Grill will be on site for lunch to keep you powered up to crush more clays! Please support our food vendor.

Additional Information
$5 Return to Class for All Events
1-5 Shooters 100%
6-10 Shooters 60% – 40%
11 or more 50% – 30% – 20%

NSCA Concurrent, Honors Only
Punches awarded per NSCA rules

Non-registered competitors are welcome!

Squads will pull and score their own targets
Eye and Ear Protection REQUIRED

Management reserves the right to change the program